
Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record

Nov. 8, 2023

Page 1 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
+ 1 April 2018, JTF, [against Al-Shabaab (AS) fighters NE in the vicinity of El Buur Somalia killing all occupants in the target vehicle. A + During post-strike review by [INN it as assessed that one of the individuals targeted in the strike was misidentified by the |ERN - - dt ‘male, and was actually an adult female with a child. + Facts from AR 154 + Thel nad a disagreement as to whether [Gigli count of the target vehicle was, + Only after the strike and multiple reviews of the NINE I= it determined that Sx adults and 1x child loaded into the vehicle |ERINEIN + Findings from AR 15-6: = + One female and one child was killed in the strike. 7 + Time was the biggest factor in the updated [ili thes able to methodically look and relook at tape to confirm whereas thel was under perceived pressure to get thelglllout as quickly as possible. | recommend that each senior analyst has a brief with their team prior to going on shift to ensure the entire team has the correct mindset and highlights that accuracy is more important than speed. + JTF JE Requirement. } + “Any discrepancy in SEMEN must be bricfed to the JTF [IMM regardless of where we are in the strike process. All JOC personnel are empowered to speak up at any point. SEeRETNOFORN
+ 1 April 2018, JTF, [against Al-Shabaab (AS) fighters NE in the vicinity of El Buur Somalia killing all occupants in the target vehicle. A + During post-strike review by [INN it as assessed that one of the individuals targeted in the strike was misidentified by the |ERN - - dt ‘male, and was actually an adult female with a child. + Facts from AR 154 + Thel nad a disagreement as to whether [Gigli count of the target vehicle was, + Only after the strike and multiple reviews of the NINE I= it determined that Sx adults and 1x child loaded into the vehicle |ERINEIN + Findings from AR 15-6: = + One female and one child was killed in the strike. 7 + Time was the biggest factor in the updated [ili thes able to methodically look and relook at tape to confirm whereas thel was under perceived pressure to get thelglllout as quickly as possible. | recommend that each senior analyst has a brief with their team prior to going on shift to ensure the entire team has the correct mindset and highlights that accuracy is more important than speed. + JTF JE Requirement. } + “Any discrepancy in SEMEN must be bricfed to the JTF [IMM regardless of where we are in the strike process. All JOC personnel are empowered to speak up at any point. SEeRETNOFORN
Page 2 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
| | | CIVCAS Allegation Hs | I El Buur, Galguduud
| | | CIVCAS Allegation Hs | I El Buur, Galguduud
Page 3 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SEORETINr OR sa, HEADQUARTERS =) SR 18a 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT Acton on Findings and Recommendations ~ AR 15-6 JTF Kinetic Ske against A Savane Patter + on 29 May 2018 | appointed RMR - vest 3ng ofice to investigate the facts an orcumstances suoundND Bhagalona that a dor Task Force Kinetic strike against Al-Shabaab (AS) fighiers [EMME i £| Buur, Galguduud Somalia, on 1 Apri 2018. resulted in Cilan Casualties (CIVCAS 2. I nave reviewed the subject findings and recommendations dated 21 June 2018. | find the followng ++ + | agprove the finding in paragraph 4b that the applicable Rule of Engagement for ths AR © 1 3pprove the finding paragraph dc tat he sre comptes itn ERG lel 1 | approve the fining in paragraph de that the quaity of the FMV feeds were not a causal factor of CCAS. anata ihe finding n paragraph af nat nothing nthe strike procedures employed by 7 IR personnel—sandard operating procedure for ail JTF [Qi nkes—contouted 10 cian castes
SEORETINr OR sa, HEADQUARTERS =) SR 18a 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT Acton on Findings and Recommendations ~ AR 15-6 JTF Kinetic Ske against A Savane Patter + on 29 May 2018 | appointed RMR - vest 3ng ofice to investigate the facts an orcumstances suoundND Bhagalona that a dor Task Force Kinetic strike against Al-Shabaab (AS) fighiers [EMME i £| Buur, Galguduud Somalia, on 1 Apri 2018. resulted in Cilan Casualties (CIVCAS 2. I nave reviewed the subject findings and recommendations dated 21 June 2018. | find the followng ++ + | agprove the finding in paragraph 4b that the applicable Rule of Engagement for ths AR © 1 3pprove the finding paragraph dc tat he sre comptes itn ERG lel 1 | approve the fining in paragraph de that the quaity of the FMV feeds were not a causal factor of CCAS. anata ihe finding n paragraph af nat nothing nthe strike procedures employed by 7 IR personnel—sandard operating procedure for ail JTF [Qi nkes—contouted 10 cian castes
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secacrieroRN 1 2pprove the finding in paragraph 4g that an adi female and a chid were kiled i the sirke. This post sike assessment was made boy [QINGRGSMRRIGRASEREE ory: = following extensive review of FMV i.1 approve the finding in paragraph ah tht there was a disagreement as o the number of Indiduas n he targeted vehicle and tha iis disagreement was not conveyed to EIR EIEN ce A A | approve with the following modifications gi a —— S—
secacrieroRN 1 2pprove the finding in paragraph 4g that an adi female and a chid were kiled i the sirke. This post sike assessment was made boy [QINGRGSMRRIGRASEREE ory: = following extensive review of FMV i.1 approve the finding in paragraph ah tht there was a disagreement as o the number of Indiduas n he targeted vehicle and tha iis disagreement was not conveyed to EIR EIEN ce A A | approve with the following modifications gi a —— S—
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seener HEADQUARTERS + 21 June 2018 SUBJECT AR 16.8 Investigation nig Jou Task Fores kinetic sire against Al 1. Background {S| was appointed by Tr [MME on 29 May 2018 as an invesigating officer (10) pursuant io Ay ReguBON 15.6. 1 determin me facts and cicumsiances surrounding 1 APR 018 Jom Tak Force inet Sve samme a 2. Summary. (8) On 1 April 2018, TF Illlitook] shots fro [EINNRENNNN agains A-Shabas (AS) mers a 1 Bur Somalia king al ccupanis ne target venice to mci This was ie ineic ana a ie Ton i as covaopmont or 2 2 OA accordance wih ine publahed TF During post Sika review by th i tas assessed ha one of ADM iat loaded into the vehicle at [lillllwas a Adult Female and child. This was assessed as the survivor running away from vehicle post the first engagement at IRIE 5 Timeline Tris stk took place on 1 Apri 2018 24 Act Males (ADM) were observed enering the fargt vehice 2 additional ADs entered the venice, ENE tne indidua tht tere he front righ side of ine vericl eed and waked around he vehicle t the of ite meeting wis 3 mor ADM was an ADM, Tis sam ADM inst oto. opened ne nt of do ans another ADM exited NSE IME the ADM that opened the left door of the vehicle, reentered the vehicle on thejiont eft side. In the same minute. an individual EINES 10 56 an ADM he Loni cheered decane i But fo ine Sout a Se I the venicie hE POSSE coc AMINES es nat ihe venice occupants —
seener HEADQUARTERS + 21 June 2018 SUBJECT AR 16.8 Investigation nig Jou Task Fores kinetic sire against Al 1. Background {S| was appointed by Tr [MME on 29 May 2018 as an invesigating officer (10) pursuant io Ay ReguBON 15.6. 1 determin me facts and cicumsiances surrounding 1 APR 018 Jom Tak Force inet Sve samme a 2. Summary. (8) On 1 April 2018, TF Illlitook] shots fro [EINNRENNNN agains A-Shabas (AS) mers a 1 Bur Somalia king al ccupanis ne target venice to mci This was ie ineic ana a ie Ton i as covaopmont or 2 2 OA accordance wih ine publahed TF During post Sika review by th i tas assessed ha one of ADM iat loaded into the vehicle at [lillllwas a Adult Female and child. This was assessed as the survivor running away from vehicle post the first engagement at IRIE 5 Timeline Tris stk took place on 1 Apri 2018 24 Act Males (ADM) were observed enering the fargt vehice 2 additional ADs entered the venice, ENE tne indidua tht tere he front righ side of ine vericl eed and waked around he vehicle t the of ite meeting wis 3 mor ADM was an ADM, Tis sam ADM inst oto. opened ne nt of do ans another ADM exited NSE IME the ADM that opened the left door of the vehicle, reentered the vehicle on thejiont eft side. In the same minute. an individual EINES 10 56 an ADM he Loni cheered decane i But fo ine Sout a Se I the venicie hE POSSE coc AMINES es nat ihe venice occupants —
Page 6 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SEeRE + SUBJECT AR 15:6 were AS operatives associated with no mate noncombatants would be injured or Kile. and ro women or children would be inured or kiled 4. Facts. a) on 1 Apri 2018, and ODSEIVed 4 adults get nia the target venicio NING at tne @ adult males included RIMGII was in the vehicle between Te b. 15) (Exhibit F) eo) IRN cues tre su ve RR ERR, zero issues. (Exhibit B and C) oc) EN - screen © number of passengers in the target vehicle. this wa: EISIMERIRRR =o een RMN and INNS his iscussion to carly he numbers in the veicie was aareed upon to be [gill all males. prior to informing EARNER cen after IGM An agreed upon ail males as passed io who then calcd Te-reviewed ine FIV caplure and assessed that the final venicle 10ad up was in fac{EBEMI nly after the rie and multiple reviews of the vehicle 10ad up sequence was it determined that Sx adults and 1x child loaded into the venicee. (Exhibits H and I) [ETS ET wee] e (U) The average experience lev of the [EN on shift nad 1-8 years of experience, however some members did not have any FMV experience. (Exhibit £) 2 —SEeRE
SEeRE + SUBJECT AR 15:6 were AS operatives associated with no mate noncombatants would be injured or Kile. and ro women or children would be inured or kiled 4. Facts. a) on 1 Apri 2018, and ODSEIVed 4 adults get nia the target venicio NING at tne @ adult males included RIMGII was in the vehicle between Te b. 15) (Exhibit F) eo) IRN cues tre su ve RR ERR, zero issues. (Exhibit B and C) oc) EN - screen © number of passengers in the target vehicle. this wa: EISIMERIRRR =o een RMN and INNS his iscussion to carly he numbers in the veicie was aareed upon to be [gill all males. prior to informing EARNER cen after IGM An agreed upon ail males as passed io who then calcd Te-reviewed ine FIV caplure and assessed that the final venicle 10ad up was in fac{EBEMI nly after the rie and multiple reviews of the vehicle 10ad up sequence was it determined that Sx adults and 1x child loaded into the venicee. (Exhibits H and I) [ETS ET wee] e (U) The average experience lev of the [EN on shift nad 1-8 years of experience, however some members did not have any FMV experience. (Exhibit £) 2 —SEeRE
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+ EA SUBJECT AR 155 evidence after thoroughly reviewing all of the enclosed exhibits. 2-81 facts and circumstances surrounding the inet tie, including a destrplion of the target iw he Target was oho. wo she ese strike was chosen, and the basis for the strike: The target [EISIGENNN 2s 2 valid target in accordance with the [EN EUGINSSN on the associated 5) identity the ROE under which this irks was axecuted: including the wi Ea IRemDbr ora Gectremnoste i TT eet tnd GA nai Sgn Rr Sip ap mone Wo compo with applicable les of ndagemont Ieiots stants pom oreo swom statement fro |RISINIRRIRIR <x o',© GAR +n the ~cs on IRE vo eet po RMR (<> /) 4.187 description of how the JTF evaluated whether nonzembatants would be killed or injure in the strike, including [GRRE -'= Whether tne JF doniiied noncombatane MEN or killod or iniured noncombatants: According fo Fxtubiis F anc =n [NINSISS rbd S| Te = ET. s —
+ EA SUBJECT AR 155 evidence after thoroughly reviewing all of the enclosed exhibits. 2-81 facts and circumstances surrounding the inet tie, including a destrplion of the target iw he Target was oho. wo she ese strike was chosen, and the basis for the strike: The target [EISIGENNN 2s 2 valid target in accordance with the [EN EUGINSSN on the associated 5) identity the ROE under which this irks was axecuted: including the wi Ea IRemDbr ora Gectremnoste i TT eet tnd GA nai Sgn Rr Sip ap mone Wo compo with applicable les of ndagemont Ieiots stants pom oreo swom statement fro |RISINIRRIRIR <x o',© GAR +n the ~cs on IRE vo eet po RMR (<> /) 4.187 description of how the JTF evaluated whether nonzembatants would be killed or injure in the strike, including [GRRE -'= Whether tne JF doniiied noncombatane MEN or killod or iniured noncombatants: According fo Fxtubiis F anc =n [NINSISS rbd S| Te = ET. s —
Page 8 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SkeRi TF C— SUBJECT. AR 15:6 &-(5) Describe the process used to determine [GEN identity any changes in the assessment of IRE post:-strike; the discussions between the [QIEIESEEES IE SIN ri GMI an as50ssmon of whether the quality of the JOC feeds contributed to any discrepancies in assessing is determine by both EMER rained and qualified Analysts. For iis sirke. here are real-time. I (1111. G) 157 A review of the targeting procedures used, to include strike authority, and approval process: During my review of the [NUE stke. | reviewed the Sinke procedures wih [GIRIBIGIEIENN personne. They confirmed that the procedures used for his trie were the standard operating procedures uiiized for i [IBBlstrikes. Based on my review of the procedures, interviews with personnel and review of stike videos and chat logs. nothing in the strike procedures caused this inaccurate jRIRIER-all (Exhibits B,C) 5. (5) If any civilian personnel were injured or killed, a determination of the identity of those personnel, how and when did the determination of identity occur and the likely cause and extent of the injuries: | assess that one female and one child was killed in the strike. | base this assessment on the |EISINRRIERIN cam 5 extensive review of FMV of the strike by the most experienced FMV analysts in the INEGI Due to the limited information availabe in post-srike reflections, the exact name of the cians personnel kiled in the strike are not known at this ime and may never be known 18) During the execution of the strike aoa SMM «1 either the disagree on tho call, if so, was this over conveyed to Yes, there was a disagreement on [MEG bt only regarding numbers not sex or age This disasreement was rot conveyed to ENINENOMIIN J Not uni extensive review by the [SNIMGHERGGINNN «ch the most ‘experienced FMV analysts in the [Glas 1 determined that » INNER onou/c Lave been the coract all At no point during the events that ed up to the strike, or the. ERE vo RRR vr tha hrs were women and children in the Target vehicle. (ExniDIs H and |) 4 seenr—
SkeRi TF C— SUBJECT. AR 15:6 &-(5) Describe the process used to determine [GEN identity any changes in the assessment of IRE post:-strike; the discussions between the [QIEIESEEES IE SIN ri GMI an as50ssmon of whether the quality of the JOC feeds contributed to any discrepancies in assessing is determine by both EMER rained and qualified Analysts. For iis sirke. here are real-time. I (1111. G) 157 A review of the targeting procedures used, to include strike authority, and approval process: During my review of the [NUE stke. | reviewed the Sinke procedures wih [GIRIBIGIEIENN personne. They confirmed that the procedures used for his trie were the standard operating procedures uiiized for i [IBBlstrikes. Based on my review of the procedures, interviews with personnel and review of stike videos and chat logs. nothing in the strike procedures caused this inaccurate jRIRIER-all (Exhibits B,C) 5. (5) If any civilian personnel were injured or killed, a determination of the identity of those personnel, how and when did the determination of identity occur and the likely cause and extent of the injuries: | assess that one female and one child was killed in the strike. | base this assessment on the |EISINRRIERIN cam 5 extensive review of FMV of the strike by the most experienced FMV analysts in the INEGI Due to the limited information availabe in post-srike reflections, the exact name of the cians personnel kiled in the strike are not known at this ime and may never be known 18) During the execution of the strike aoa SMM «1 either the disagree on tho call, if so, was this over conveyed to Yes, there was a disagreement on [MEG bt only regarding numbers not sex or age This disasreement was rot conveyed to ENINENOMIIN J Not uni extensive review by the [SNIMGHERGGINNN «ch the most ‘experienced FMV analysts in the [Glas 1 determined that » INNER onou/c Lave been the coract all At no point during the events that ed up to the strike, or the. ERE vo RRR vr tha hrs were women and children in the Target vehicle. (ExniDIs H and |) 4 seenr—
Page 9 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
seener + SUBJECT. AR 156 i. (U) Any other matters, recommendations. or lessons learned you deem olovant to this inquiry. A member of the [QRRMRREon duty Mighioh hat due to a Contracting issue. they have lost a ot of thei experiented personnel but he Ellis put mitigation measures in lace by moving personnel between areas of operat fo increase experience levels. Another member hghights that hey have team members with 10 year of experience as an analyst but zero FMV experience. Members of the team related tha they dd not consider themselves experienced whie one personnel interviewed did consider the team in question to be exporiencec) actually ha 17.5 years’ experience between the four member team. wih the youngest member only having § manths working FAIV analysis and § months wih the. [EMG operations. However, tn ill does not rack how much individual Aveas of Responsibity (AOR) time each member works 50 inquired by the Investigating Officer (10). the [QI responded with that information is not available (N/A) This could lead to a very inexperienced crew working in an AOR due 0 ack of a Checks and Balance system. Adcitonaly. when looking no tv [QRIRIGRRE+no how they were able to recissy [RMR cd learn tha due o the adational requirement placed upon the team they have access to ditional software and hardware. hie neither were actually used for the updatecfIRl found that concerning that the daily teams do not have the most up to date software and hardware needed or mission analysis. Time was the biggest factor in the updated tel was adi to methodically look and relook at tape to confirm whereas tl 125 under perceived pressure 0 get tel ut as quickly as possible. | recommend that each senior analyst has a ref wih their team prior fo going on shif fo ensure the entire team has tha correct mindset and highlights that accuracy is more important than speed. (Exhibits £. J and K o. RRRIRRERN pcr iENCE: ei A A i Sei = A A 5 EERE
seener + SUBJECT. AR 156 i. (U) Any other matters, recommendations. or lessons learned you deem olovant to this inquiry. A member of the [QRRMRREon duty Mighioh hat due to a Contracting issue. they have lost a ot of thei experiented personnel but he Ellis put mitigation measures in lace by moving personnel between areas of operat fo increase experience levels. Another member hghights that hey have team members with 10 year of experience as an analyst but zero FMV experience. Members of the team related tha they dd not consider themselves experienced whie one personnel interviewed did consider the team in question to be exporiencec) actually ha 17.5 years’ experience between the four member team. wih the youngest member only having § manths working FAIV analysis and § months wih the. [EMG operations. However, tn ill does not rack how much individual Aveas of Responsibity (AOR) time each member works 50 inquired by the Investigating Officer (10). the [QI responded with that information is not available (N/A) This could lead to a very inexperienced crew working in an AOR due 0 ack of a Checks and Balance system. Adcitonaly. when looking no tv [QRIRIGRRE+no how they were able to recissy [RMR cd learn tha due o the adational requirement placed upon the team they have access to ditional software and hardware. hie neither were actually used for the updatecfIRl found that concerning that the daily teams do not have the most up to date software and hardware needed or mission analysis. Time was the biggest factor in the updated tel was adi to methodically look and relook at tape to confirm whereas tl 125 under perceived pressure 0 get tel ut as quickly as possible. | recommend that each senior analyst has a ref wih their team prior fo going on shif fo ensure the entire team has tha correct mindset and highlights that accuracy is more important than speed. (Exhibits £. J and K o. RRRIRRERN pcr iENCE: ei A A i Sei = A A 5 EERE
Page 10 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SECRES EE SUBJECT: AR 15:6 oo Ee ae ea, 5. Recommendations. | make the following recommendation based upon the findings. | a a 6. (U) The point of contact for this memorandum is the undersianed at DSN. SR 3Encis 1. Appointment Orders 2 DA Form 1574 3. Exhibits: A- K 6 seerer
SECRES EE SUBJECT: AR 15:6 oo Ee ae ea, 5. Recommendations. | make the following recommendation based upon the findings. | a a 6. (U) The point of contact for this memorandum is the undersianed at DSN. SR 3Encis 1. Appointment Orders 2 DA Form 1574 3. Exhibits: A- K 6 seerer
Page 11 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Table of Contents 10's Report 1. Appointment Memo 2. 2. DA 167441 HR 8. 2 Sworn Statements EEE . [Ee tration Sanda DR, £ CIveAs 15.6 aTAs REE ER, oR, Tg H. Updated CCAR ICO 1 ives 156 RF EE reine EE J. Experience Level ————————
Table of Contents 10's Report 1. Appointment Memo 2. 2. DA 167441 HR 8. 2 Sworn Statements EEE . [Ee tration Sanda DR, £ CIveAs 15.6 aTAs REE ER, oR, Tg H. Updated CCAR ICO 1 ives 156 RF EE reine EE J. Experience Level ————————
Page 12 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SEeRERHORON— r— - sont 1ask rorce (I or 20 vay 200 MEMORANDUM FOR a SUBJECT: Appointment a Investigating Offer {SHE Appointment. You sts herby sepals ss ar Iwestgalng off Suan ion mui O00 15 nsession Sheers surrounding allegations that a Joint Task Force kinetic strike against Al-Shabaab (AS) fighters (MMI outed n £| Buu. Galguduud Somalia, on 1 April 2018, resulted in civilian casualties (CIVCAS). This investigation is i IE et in I T_—_—_—_————— retng om tre 7 Sra wh save = ou NRRL aspect of hs veskanton: nein Top onTE a So rae me EL ————— racers oun in Ghapirs 3 an A 50. Tharosgm Secumant a ness isviowe wing bing CA ow 2055. Sw Sans oe a en ove Se Co a Soa ie dg Sivsr ar Slo Song a we Spa, So BE rt hr rn er appliatle. stue 4. (U) Report of Investigation. Your findings should list the facts as you determine hemo 5 re a Shou adress and rene ary meer aHSEn ou Sse 10 cence, Each io am oe sopping ora on ee Tecommaraatons must 50 uppites oy ys ae. Sach vee rary anal rans he otowing RE ————— TE — 5) dent the ROE ur which hi se was exacts, includ he EE corer —secnermoroRn-
SEeRERHORON— r— - sont 1ask rorce (I or 20 vay 200 MEMORANDUM FOR a SUBJECT: Appointment a Investigating Offer {SHE Appointment. You sts herby sepals ss ar Iwestgalng off Suan ion mui O00 15 nsession Sheers surrounding allegations that a Joint Task Force kinetic strike against Al-Shabaab (AS) fighters (MMI outed n £| Buu. Galguduud Somalia, on 1 April 2018, resulted in civilian casualties (CIVCAS). This investigation is i IE et in I T_—_—_—_————— retng om tre 7 Sra wh save = ou NRRL aspect of hs veskanton: nein Top onTE a So rae me EL ————— racers oun in Ghapirs 3 an A 50. Tharosgm Secumant a ness isviowe wing bing CA ow 2055. Sw Sans oe a en ove Se Co a Soa ie dg Sivsr ar Slo Song a we Spa, So BE rt hr rn er appliatle. stue 4. (U) Report of Investigation. Your findings should list the facts as you determine hemo 5 re a Shou adress and rene ary meer aHSEn ou Sse 10 cence, Each io am oe sopping ora on ee Tecommaraatons must 50 uppites oy ys ae. Sach vee rary anal rans he otowing RE ————— TE — 5) dent the ROE ur which hi se was exacts, includ he EE corer —secnermoroRn-
Page 13 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
7 SUBJECT. Appoiniment as Investigating Officer of a dectared hostile force or the imminence based on demonstrated hostile acts or hose intent ©. 48}An analysis regarding whether the servicemembers involved complied with applicable Rules of Engagement Include statements from all relevant witnesses; 4. (5) A description of how the JTF evaluated whethar noncombatants would be Killed or injured in the strike, ENEMA "ne (he JTF identified noncombatants before striking, and whether the strike Kiled of injured noncombatants e. Describe the process used to determine [RMR dentiy any changes in the assessment of cost-strike, the discussions between the [IIIS ae and assessment of whether the qualty of the JOC feeds conirbuted to any discrepancies in assessing [INN 1. (5) A review of the targeting procedures used, to include strike authority, and approval process: 9. 8)-If any civilian personnel were injured or killed, a determination of the identity of those personnel, how and when did the determination of identity occur and the likely cause and extent of the injuries; h. (U) Any other matters, recommendations, o lessons leamed you deem relevant o ths inquiry 5. (U) Suspense. Submit your report of investigation to your legal acisor for review 10 later than Friday. 15 June 2018 Submit any requests for extension through your legal advisor. The JTF | RNRIAMRRRMAER = 275 ove extensions for Up to seven additional days for 9003 cause 6. (UIFOUO) Security Classification. Ensure your investigation report, to include all exhibits and attachments, i properly classified wih appropriate markings. You are to produce your report atthe SECRET level. Exhibits may be classified ala higher lovel mo LR ESRETOROR
7 SUBJECT. Appoiniment as Investigating Officer of a dectared hostile force or the imminence based on demonstrated hostile acts or hose intent ©. 48}An analysis regarding whether the servicemembers involved complied with applicable Rules of Engagement Include statements from all relevant witnesses; 4. (5) A description of how the JTF evaluated whethar noncombatants would be Killed or injured in the strike, ENEMA "ne (he JTF identified noncombatants before striking, and whether the strike Kiled of injured noncombatants e. Describe the process used to determine [RMR dentiy any changes in the assessment of cost-strike, the discussions between the [IIIS ae and assessment of whether the qualty of the JOC feeds conirbuted to any discrepancies in assessing [INN 1. (5) A review of the targeting procedures used, to include strike authority, and approval process: 9. 8)-If any civilian personnel were injured or killed, a determination of the identity of those personnel, how and when did the determination of identity occur and the likely cause and extent of the injuries; h. (U) Any other matters, recommendations, o lessons leamed you deem relevant o ths inquiry 5. (U) Suspense. Submit your report of investigation to your legal acisor for review 10 later than Friday. 15 June 2018 Submit any requests for extension through your legal advisor. The JTF | RNRIAMRRRMAER = 275 ove extensions for Up to seven additional days for 9003 cause 6. (UIFOUO) Security Classification. Ensure your investigation report, to include all exhibits and attachments, i properly classified wih appropriate markings. You are to produce your report atthe SECRET level. Exhibits may be classified ala higher lovel mo LR ESRETOROR
Page 14 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
REPORT GF PROCEEDINGS BY INVESTIGATING GFFICER Not Cotta om ra tan corr reo rotor an ee recog st oh AR 340.21 FORE SPACE S REGURED WELLING OUT ANY FORTON OF 145 FORME ATTACH ROOTONAL SHEETS SECTION | APPONTHENT roooress, EERO oportng sity on 20S tron anconu 1 Laterof cporsret or sey of rl sport da) Seo pars 15 AR 153) oe + he ester cones «ER PM wo = Tier w_ mims wn 2 Io (msg orn ested aowrgrenmy evconcna ooo on 080621 andor oss ow tose sd acommntors 0 Ce omen Ter over = SECTION CHECKS FOR PROCEEDS x COMPLETE W ALL GASES na Jes wo] endonrss pam 313 A 5 rr ing encod sc rr crs es Roan mer. Atco rin DE EEE meen Fal] [5 A orcas 5 3005775 ST Ar [2 Prey At Serer Contr Ssamont posse? ao 3 Eraton yo stqi oe ry vs np, Ses eave 3 srs wna 03 re | (1 0) a EE = An thr sepot prs or a ae) BT A A THT — amy 7 An Exocue Suma. an of Es Chari of Pees sf 1 ss and 3 van Grea ° Compr sr sr ih rt cues Try 5 A re rd str mo] er 3 0S A re ahr 3 tr RT a CIEE] 15 eof i xs oro cowry gr oe a EOD Fo re smn tomtf nc wiv bo oc ro oe 28 ven om rd hd | LTT 1 rv copes dscns, or das fst or corny van) soy arrow ho econ | 11 3 acre tori sr ee ote 10a oe socrptors ers F Pogend C3 AR 1547 Too [15 en tn hac io a rs tton ser mmo wna ori mets |g | prt) HEE FOOTNOTES 1 eo sep srr sens 20st kc re vt mB 7 Ao or OR FORM 70-1 APR 075 TRE ESTOS TE CROCE TE pan
REPORT GF PROCEEDINGS BY INVESTIGATING GFFICER Not Cotta om ra tan corr reo rotor an ee recog st oh AR 340.21 FORE SPACE S REGURED WELLING OUT ANY FORTON OF 145 FORME ATTACH ROOTONAL SHEETS SECTION | APPONTHENT roooress, EERO oportng sity on 20S tron anconu 1 Laterof cporsret or sey of rl sport da) Seo pars 15 AR 153) oe + he ester cones «ER PM wo = Tier w_ mims wn 2 Io (msg orn ested aowrgrenmy evconcna ooo on 080621 andor oss ow tose sd acommntors 0 Ce omen Ter over = SECTION CHECKS FOR PROCEEDS x COMPLETE W ALL GASES na Jes wo] endonrss pam 313 A 5 rr ing encod sc rr crs es Roan mer. Atco rin DE EEE meen Fal] [5 A orcas 5 3005775 ST Ar [2 Prey At Serer Contr Ssamont posse? ao 3 Eraton yo stqi oe ry vs np, Ses eave 3 srs wna 03 re | (1 0) a EE = An thr sepot prs or a ae) BT A A THT — amy 7 An Exocue Suma. an of Es Chari of Pees sf 1 ss and 3 van Grea ° Compr sr sr ih rt cues Try 5 A re rd str mo] er 3 0S A re ahr 3 tr RT a CIEE] 15 eof i xs oro cowry gr oe a EOD Fo re smn tomtf nc wiv bo oc ro oe 28 ven om rd hd | LTT 1 rv copes dscns, or das fst or corny van) soy arrow ho econ | 11 3 acre tori sr ee ote 10a oe socrptors ers F Pogend C3 AR 1547 Too [15 en tn hac io a rs tton ser mmo wna ori mets |g | prt) HEE FOOTNOTES 1 eo sep srr sens 20st kc re vt mB 7 Ao or OR FORM 70-1 APR 075 TRE ESTOS TE CROCE TE pan
Page 15 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
= = ETON FWOWGS 70 TTT The (ivesigaing office). having carsuly consoared ihe evdence. fds. [Esch paragraph Shou Bo cre conclims Based on 7 awn gathered ung the investigation These ings shou provide answers 0 ach questo pose the apooing aunty Ihe ppaniment memorandum. The evdonce hal supports each finding must be cred) See Memorandum dud 21 June 2018 GR FOR TST APR OTE a2
= = ETON FWOWGS 70 TTT The (ivesigaing office). having carsuly consoared ihe evdence. fds. [Esch paragraph Shou Bo cre conclims Based on 7 awn gathered ung the investigation These ings shou provide answers 0 ach questo pose the apooing aunty Ihe ppaniment memorandum. The evdonce hal supports each finding must be cred) See Memorandum dud 21 June 2018 GR FOR TST APR OTE a2
Page 16 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SECON RECCRENORTIONS 523 TT TEE In viow of the above incings. he (nuesigaiing oficar recommends: [Each paragraph shou be ae recommendation Gased on Fa Trndings i Sacton IV. Adress what actors 1 any. shout! bo akan with regard 0 15 cls vowed, he und eadershp, an ony ops it can bo taken lo proven tho occurence in the futur. Recommondatis do nl 126d 10 ba aero o punts. For evans, ho vostgabcn ros. can be used 33 rani 1001] See Memorandum dated 21 June 201% CRORE APR TE
SECON RECCRENORTIONS 523 TT TEE In viow of the above incings. he (nuesigaiing oficar recommends: [Each paragraph shou be ae recommendation Gased on Fa Trndings i Sacton IV. Adress what actors 1 any. shout! bo akan with regard 0 15 cls vowed, he und eadershp, an ony ops it can bo taken lo proven tho occurence in the futur. Recommondatis do nl 126d 10 ba aero o punts. For evans, ho vostgabcn ros. can be used 33 rani 1001] See Memorandum dated 21 June 201% CRORE APR TE
Page 17 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
i “hdd
i “hdd
Page 18 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
ys Faun Rass A a OTIS § em ks RR RE SE ms oe, rrees
ys Faun Rass A a OTIS § em ks RR RE SE ms oe, rrees
Page 19 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Page 20 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Pies 23 rough 2 rtd for telling sons a DES Exon wane)
Pies 23 rough 2 rtd for telling sons a DES Exon wane)
Page 21 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SECRET _ Page intentionally left blank. 2 “seeRer
SECRET _ Page intentionally left blank. 2 “seeRer
Page 22 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Pas 26 hough 2 edict he long css DA 1 eH 945) 10SEC § 1508) (461, ATH) (THE) BS Bd DAD 04) BAIDU SC 8 1300) (a6, ATH) OTHE) DBT LE on io re HODES HEL KE mene SOY STAY REFERRAL
Pas 26 hough 2 edict he long css DA 1 eH 945) 10SEC § 1508) (461, ATH) (THE) BS Bd DAD 04) BAIDU SC 8 1300) (a6, ATH) OTHE) DBT LE on io re HODES HEL KE mene SOY STAY REFERRAL
Page 23 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
U'| Hope this helps... keep em coming and I do my best to get you what you need vie roe SA ORE, Sent: Thursday une 7, 2018 11:02 PM cl Subject: {5 NR "OC React U'] Thanks for the data, this i great. | have a few additional questions about this strike for ight now
U'| Hope this helps... keep em coming and I do my best to get you what you need vie roe SA ORE, Sent: Thursday une 7, 2018 11:02 PM cl Subject: {5 NR "OC React U'] Thanks for the data, this i great. | have a few additional questions about this strike for ight now
Page 24 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
rm the 7 ER 2! oversees RINSE <<! fro: © hit ne
rm the 7 ER 2! oversees RINSE <<! fro: © hit ne
Page 25 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Fow wo: 0. i (his 2 viable Larger? Li LO Whatis the interaction between RNR Whatis your process for determinine INMISENSRNGRNGIR] - 0: 0 you tll have thelglllj og from the strike on 1 APR? We do poe NER NLTITL Sent Thursday June 7.2018 6:57 PM a ce Subject: RE- 5 HA Request 2 a CLASSIFICATION-GEGRET CAVEATS NOFA TERMS. NONE er our discussion, ERSIRMIEEIERo: ven appointed by th IRN the Investigating Officer in the [ENNIS RRR sc. Looking to get a few questions answered and provide an JIRlIPOC for any follow on
Fow wo: 0. i (his 2 viable Larger? Li LO Whatis the interaction between RNR Whatis your process for determinine INMISENSRNGRNGIR] - 0: 0 you tll have thelglllj og from the strike on 1 APR? We do poe NER NLTITL Sent Thursday June 7.2018 6:57 PM a ce Subject: RE- 5 HA Request 2 a CLASSIFICATION-GEGRET CAVEATS NOFA TERMS. NONE er our discussion, ERSIRMIEEIERo: ven appointed by th IRN the Investigating Officer in the [ENNIS RRR sc. Looking to get a few questions answered and provide an JIRlIPOC for any follow on
Page 26 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Here are the initial questions 5 ow veo 125 [5] nats the interaction between p Whatis your process for determining pr nor? Do you still have the os from the RIG strike on 1 APR? [07] 1 have cc'cflilflso you have his contact information and looped in [JiR Thank vou in advance and please let me know f you need anything else from me Very Respecituly ss A BT Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 6:12 Ad To Subject: At oC Request Message Body Clasicaton: SEEREF/HNOFORN- [07] can you lease provide me the folowing data for my investigation? [ST How was Ea) | thi 2 viable Earger? [57] Vhats the interaction between EENEEEENNCENCCN ~~ What is your process for determining [NII © ot? Do you stil have thell o from the [EMMI +e on 1 APR?
Here are the initial questions 5 ow veo 125 [5] nats the interaction between p Whatis your process for determining pr nor? Do you still have the os from the RIG strike on 1 APR? [07] 1 have cc'cflilflso you have his contact information and looped in [JiR Thank vou in advance and please let me know f you need anything else from me Very Respecituly ss A BT Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 6:12 Ad To Subject: At oC Request Message Body Clasicaton: SEEREF/HNOFORN- [07] can you lease provide me the folowing data for my investigation? [ST How was Ea) | thi 2 viable Earger? [57] Vhats the interaction between EENEEEENNCENCCN ~~ What is your process for determining [NII © ot? Do you stil have thell o from the [EMMI +e on 1 APR?
Page 27 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
5] have been appointed by the [ERR = the nvestgating Officer in to RN se. hank you for your time room: (USEMAA MLL Th SR oo Suit pocheaues CLASSIFICATION SEoREF re One an eA, [U7] vy apologies fo the dela. Good to hear fom you, hope ails wel on your end. ve coped IRRRRRRRIR] (rir). POC information for you. | have lefffflout any of the above nt a RR youn the right [U] Let me know if you don't get the info you need. " BE o
5] have been appointed by the [ERR = the nvestgating Officer in to RN se. hank you for your time room: (USEMAA MLL Th SR oo Suit pocheaues CLASSIFICATION SEoREF re One an eA, [U7] vy apologies fo the dela. Good to hear fom you, hope ails wel on your end. ve coped IRRRRRRRIR] (rir). POC information for you. | have lefffflout any of the above nt a RR youn the right [U] Let me know if you don't get the info you need. " BE o
Page 28 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Page 29 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Attachment Clasification-SECRET//NOFORN— ~~ Message Body Classification: SECREF/NOFORN-— Classification: SECRETAMORORN. Message Body Classification SECREF//NOFORN Classifications SECREFH/MOFSAN— 8
Attachment Clasification-SECRET//NOFORN— ~~ Message Body Classification: SECREF/NOFORN-— Classification: SECRETAMORORN. Message Body Classification SECREF//NOFORN Classifications SECREFH/MOFSAN— 8
Page 30 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Pas 90 bough 2 cd fr te loin cons: OKI al (XH Hey
Pas 90 bough 2 cd fr te loin cons: OKI al (XH Hey
Page 31 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
~SECRETNGFORN— S| sre CCAR ICO 1 APR 2018 KIS EI Buur, Somalia [S | civeas credibility assessment for the 01 APR 18 Kinetic Strike targeting assessed al Shabaab = (as) Torvers [EN © 5... Gaiguduud. Somalia. [5] BLUE: Folowing social media reports of CIVCAS, te [RIRISMSIRIEMERRN ro evied enhance [=1 ISR cotage of he event and concludaa hat one femaie and potentially one cid were Kile, along wih four adut males, wno JTHIB Gontiied in post sie reporting as AS operates. STF levied al reasonably avaiable informatio related o he kine sirke conducted on 1 April 2018 VO El Buur. Galguduud, Somalia, to include the assessment produced by the [RISISESESENEINEE SN 7 urs with the [IRR 21 C1\/CAS allegations related "0 hs Ske are credible U7] who: 7+ Im [S| what: on 01 Apri 2018, s+ Illconducted a kinetic strike vit ERNEEG— against what was oral assessed o be a group of four adult mae (ADM) AS operas. 2Ssocaied win VO 1 Buur. Galguduud Somalia adult males targeted n th sie were AS operates (ENISCNE 10 Talo Roncombatants would bs ured or led. an EES at no women or chien would be ured or kiled [U7] wHEN: 01 14242 April 2018 | WHERE: IVO 1 Burr, Galguduud Somalia [5] why: There were some socal media and fher open source reports claiming that th sirke {argeled a cian convoy and tht three cians were Kile, to include prominen elders and at leas! one woman. This CAR serves as the JT [gllfsssessment regarding th iolhood of vlan casuals. AMPLIFYING DETAIL E Er —SECRETNOFORN-
~SECRETNGFORN— S| sre CCAR ICO 1 APR 2018 KIS EI Buur, Somalia [S | civeas credibility assessment for the 01 APR 18 Kinetic Strike targeting assessed al Shabaab = (as) Torvers [EN © 5... Gaiguduud. Somalia. [5] BLUE: Folowing social media reports of CIVCAS, te [RIRISMSIRIEMERRN ro evied enhance [=1 ISR cotage of he event and concludaa hat one femaie and potentially one cid were Kile, along wih four adut males, wno JTHIB Gontiied in post sie reporting as AS operates. STF levied al reasonably avaiable informatio related o he kine sirke conducted on 1 April 2018 VO El Buur. Galguduud, Somalia, to include the assessment produced by the [RISISESESENEINEE SN 7 urs with the [IRR 21 C1\/CAS allegations related "0 hs Ske are credible U7] who: 7+ Im [S| what: on 01 Apri 2018, s+ Illconducted a kinetic strike vit ERNEEG— against what was oral assessed o be a group of four adult mae (ADM) AS operas. 2Ssocaied win VO 1 Buur. Galguduud Somalia adult males targeted n th sie were AS operates (ENISCNE 10 Talo Roncombatants would bs ured or led. an EES at no women or chien would be ured or kiled [U7] wHEN: 01 14242 April 2018 | WHERE: IVO 1 Burr, Galguduud Somalia [5] why: There were some socal media and fher open source reports claiming that th sirke {argeled a cian convoy and tht three cians were Kile, to include prominen elders and at leas! one woman. This CAR serves as the JT [gllfsssessment regarding th iolhood of vlan casuals. AMPLIFYING DETAIL E Er —SECRETNOFORN-
Page 32 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Pus 4 rough redacted he lowing ress TEXT) Ha) BX He) (DH) (10 SC § 13001, (KO (XTC)
Pus 4 rough redacted he lowing ress TEXT) Ha) BX He) (DH) (10 SC § 13001, (KO (XTC)
Page 33 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
+ [SRI o/oving the strike. the [MINN ose the EINEIONN and assessed at here were five and not four ADMS inside he venice when 1 was struck
+ [SRI o/oving the strike. the [MINN ose the EINEIONN and assessed at here were five and not four ADMS inside he venice when 1 was struck
Page 34 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
SECREFHNOFORN. | ide 56) ACTIONS TAKEN: Uon receipt of INRANGE =r. + MIRE Conducted a feviw of he tke process 0 carl Getermine he possiily of CIVCAS and dani methods of reducing CIVCAS i ure sires. Despile multiple pre- and post sire FI reviews oy IAAI tc: ently assessed {nat any women or chien aged up in th tracted vehicle. Th [Keiihood of CIVCAS only became clear when RIMINI 1 h decades of combined SOF GEOINT ousrence and "eviied he [SR footage The apparent resuts o ihe sire notwinstanding. JTF {Gls Satie ha all control measures ‘or an EIMIBGHEN Sirke were folowed, appropriate Measures 1o migate cian casualles were taken. an ihe commander met targeting cra using all avaiable nforaion 0 nude the I Ee ICTIEIONCIECN 1.1" eV. | appears 131 a Woman was misidentified a5 an ADM and a ch ma have catered he arated vehicle ingeiocies. Accordingly. after a review ot NN 7 [gl] ccs thst CIVCAS allegations related 1 the 01 Apr 2016 Kinet sinke VG Bt Buur, Somalia ae credible 5] 7) WAY AHEAD: JTF Ill has considered multe strategies to reduc the possiviiy of CIVCAS. nowever gach proposal has ascomaning adkanizaes and dacvaniadss 57] CONCLUSION: In tis specifc instance, tne EINER or is eaders mace ihe best possible assessment wil the formation hat was avaiabie to them. Ths information was appropriately passed to the TF Gl Commander for evaluation The JT NH ENOINPEIN STONE EENGEIESERE 1 o oroelcd novcuals were ENTREE ORION cos hal 0 male noncombatants woud be injured or kiled SECRET/NOFORN—
SECREFHNOFORN. | ide 56) ACTIONS TAKEN: Uon receipt of INRANGE =r. + MIRE Conducted a feviw of he tke process 0 carl Getermine he possiily of CIVCAS and dani methods of reducing CIVCAS i ure sires. Despile multiple pre- and post sire FI reviews oy IAAI tc: ently assessed {nat any women or chien aged up in th tracted vehicle. Th [Keiihood of CIVCAS only became clear when RIMINI 1 h decades of combined SOF GEOINT ousrence and "eviied he [SR footage The apparent resuts o ihe sire notwinstanding. JTF {Gls Satie ha all control measures ‘or an EIMIBGHEN Sirke were folowed, appropriate Measures 1o migate cian casualles were taken. an ihe commander met targeting cra using all avaiable nforaion 0 nude the I Ee ICTIEIONCIECN 1.1" eV. | appears 131 a Woman was misidentified a5 an ADM and a ch ma have catered he arated vehicle ingeiocies. Accordingly. after a review ot NN 7 [gl] ccs thst CIVCAS allegations related 1 the 01 Apr 2016 Kinet sinke VG Bt Buur, Somalia ae credible 5] 7) WAY AHEAD: JTF Ill has considered multe strategies to reduc the possiviiy of CIVCAS. nowever gach proposal has ascomaning adkanizaes and dacvaniadss 57] CONCLUSION: In tis specifc instance, tne EINER or is eaders mace ihe best possible assessment wil the formation hat was avaiabie to them. Ths information was appropriately passed to the TF Gl Commander for evaluation The JT NH ENOINPEIN STONE EENGEIESERE 1 o oroelcd novcuals were ENTREE ORION cos hal 0 male noncombatants woud be injured or kiled SECRET/NOFORN—
Page 35 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
—SEGREFINOFORN— RRR +: vormen o chide would be nr or kiled before conducting he 01 April 2018 kinetic strike. JTF [lllwil continue to pursue any and all opportunities to mitigate. ne isk of lan casualties in carying ou diet acon mission —secRerivOrORN—
—SEGREFINOFORN— RRR +: vormen o chide would be nr or kiled before conducting he 01 April 2018 kinetic strike. JTF [lllwil continue to pursue any and all opportunities to mitigate. ne isk of lan casualties in carying ou diet acon mission —secRerivOrORN—
Page 36 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
« SI say June 13 2015 BU An - ps LE i] Subject: REFS) CIVCAS 15-6 RFI - ASAP pon post:strike review, both parties - gr) s was al prio EE —— depth analysis that revealed a femal being misidentified as a male during the vehicle loadup. The CCAR should lay out those details as well. If the CCA 0 LS Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 8:19 PM EE Subject: RE-{SFCIVCAS 15-6 RFI - ASAP. U JNo. The female was misidentified as a male. The POSS child was completely missed until the CIVCAS review.
« SI say June 13 2015 BU An - ps LE i] Subject: REFS) CIVCAS 15-6 RFI - ASAP pon post:strike review, both parties - gr) s was al prio EE —— depth analysis that revealed a femal being misidentified as a male during the vehicle loadup. The CCAR should lay out those details as well. If the CCA 0 LS Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 8:19 PM EE Subject: RE-{SFCIVCAS 15-6 RFI - ASAP. U JNo. The female was misidentified as a male. The POSS child was completely missed until the CIVCAS review.
Page 37 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
vos A ERT Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 12:43 PM EL EERE Sublect-{5) CVCAS 15:6 AFI - ASAP Importance: High lassfcation-SECRETHNGFORN— Message Body Classfication-SECREF//NOFORN- Al, [U7] 1 need a response from both the [ESIGN on this one: [5 oid either team ever think or actually make a change in Bla for the strike against IRM 1 so. id that ever get conveyed to JRRISRRIRY 1f no change infill was made but needed to be, why wasn't i? Thank you. Message Body Classification: SEERE//NOFORN-
vos A ERT Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 12:43 PM EL EERE Sublect-{5) CVCAS 15:6 AFI - ASAP Importance: High lassfcation-SECRETHNGFORN— Message Body Classfication-SECREF//NOFORN- Al, [U7] 1 need a response from both the [ESIGN on this one: [5 oid either team ever think or actually make a change in Bla for the strike against IRM 1 so. id that ever get conveyed to JRRISRRIRY 1f no change infill was made but needed to be, why wasn't i? Thank you. Message Body Classification: SEERE//NOFORN-
Page 38 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
- Fes EE Subject ES OVERS TSO ASAT or © Siac EHVCRS 1 RR AP Al, [07] need response from both te RSA + one [5] pid either team ever think or actually make a change in{Eiilllcall for the strike against ENNNEERNNNN If so, did that ever get conveyed to COR TFG? If no change in [@illicall was made but needed to be, why wasn't i Thankyou
- Fes EE Subject ES OVERS TSO ASAT or © Siac EHVCRS 1 RR AP Al, [07] need response from both te RSA + one [5] pid either team ever think or actually make a change in{Eiilllcall for the strike against ENNNEERNNNN If so, did that ever get conveyed to COR TFG? If no change in [@illicall was made but needed to be, why wasn't i Thankyou
Page 39 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Message Body Classification SECRET//NOFORN—
Message Body Classification SECRET//NOFORN—
Page 40 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
G————— > IS * el b | L
G————— > IS * el b | L
Page 41 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Paes 105 ough 106 edd for ell reson OK a 61 Hey
Paes 105 ough 106 edd for ell reson OK a 61 Hey
Page 42 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Unfortunately, | was out of the JOC during [RIIIEN and ned betore the actuation accor NR (+o = <9) e on RN regard to any potential collateral concerns. Tha, combined with the physical separation of us and thei ends me to A Ta
Unfortunately, | was out of the JOC during [RIIIEN and ned betore the actuation accor NR (+o = <9) e on RN regard to any potential collateral concerns. Tha, combined with the physical separation of us and thei ends me to A Ta
Page 43 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
or AS J] + All times are based on the video clip in this director RE EG oe i It HA — Wire Baty Casio SSERETNDIOR. Gens, 57] guess am missing someting
or AS J] + All times are based on the video clip in this director RE EG oe i It HA — Wire Baty Casio SSERETNDIOR. Gens, 57] guess am missing someting
Page 44 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
[5 RB con you plese ive me th timeline from lt when IRRMMRRIERN orived in the JOC and who vided the SITREP to them? | don't need names but assuming the brief was given by the | SISIIRIIRRGEN I io, sccovding to isos how ACR JIM 5 very aware of ths situation and want o pant as accurate of a picture a possible so we ean capture the lessons learned and where we can move forward. The compounding issue here i Jill turns into a pumpkin eet week so | am up against a hard deadline, Thanks, Message Body Classification: SECREF/NGFOM
[5 RB con you plese ive me th timeline from lt when IRRMMRRIERN orived in the JOC and who vided the SITREP to them? | don't need names but assuming the brief was given by the | SISIIRIIRRGEN I io, sccovding to isos how ACR JIM 5 very aware of ths situation and want o pant as accurate of a picture a possible so we ean capture the lessons learned and where we can move forward. The compounding issue here i Jill turns into a pumpkin eet week so | am up against a hard deadline, Thanks, Message Body Classification: SECREF/NGFOM
Page 45 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
To i ee — Sebict ye re IR BL RT Sa, Soviet 5 meine? Gents, [57] guess 1 am missing something. (EH
To i ee — Sebict ye re IR BL RT Sa, Soviet 5 meine? Gents, [57] guess 1 am missing something. (EH
Page 46 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
[5 TRB con you please give me the timeline from lof when [QBN arrived in the JOC and who provided the SITREP to them? | don't need names but assuming the brief wa given by the Also, according to ? Also, how a U JIG is very aware ofthis situation and | want to pint as accurate ofa picture as possible so we can capture the lessons learned and where we can move forward. The compounding issue here is fl terns intoa pumpkin next week so | am up against hard deadline. Thanks, Message Body Classfcation SECREF//NOFORN-
[5 TRB con you please give me the timeline from lof when [QBN arrived in the JOC and who provided the SITREP to them? | don't need names but assuming the brief wa given by the Also, according to ? Also, how a U JIG is very aware ofthis situation and | want to pint as accurate ofa picture as possible so we can capture the lessons learned and where we can move forward. The compounding issue here is fl terns intoa pumpkin next week so | am up against hard deadline. Thanks, Message Body Classfcation SECREF//NOFORN-
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/ i
/ i
Page 48 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
ror Ey] S | thanks lll 11 need to know how many people are on the team and answers to each of the questions 5 ro Ga 5) Rc cn 1 RRR vi ve vac on shite sno RRR 1+ +0 t 8c you roe LRA ML i
ror Ey] S | thanks lll 11 need to know how many people are on the team and answers to each of the questions 5 ro Ga 5) Rc cn 1 RRR vi ve vac on shite sno RRR 1+ +0 t 8c you roe LRA ML i
Page 49 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
Message Body Classification: SECRET//NOFORN Ei Thank you. Atessage Body Classification SECRET//NOFORN— CLASSIFICATION-SEGRET— CAVEATS NOFORN- TERMS: NONE Message Body Classification: SEGREF/NOFORN-—
Message Body Classification: SECRET//NOFORN Ei Thank you. Atessage Body Classification SECRET//NOFORN— CLASSIFICATION-SEGRET— CAVEATS NOFORN- TERMS: NONE Message Body Classification: SEGREF/NOFORN-—
Page 50 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
wm: ILL To: Re NO GLASSIFICATION-SEGRET Er Roron Sexe Nowe ror A Som rd une 132018 1104 A Tor Sor RE Epes Lois? [5 JMB acd me question that | couldnt answer so hoping you can: Can you confi tha the |U [if there is a difference in these capabilities, why? rae NN or Som LBL WE 0% CLASSFICATION-SEGRE.
wm: ILL To: Re NO GLASSIFICATION-SEGRET Er Roron Sexe Nowe ror A Som rd une 132018 1104 A Tor Sor RE Epes Lois? [5 JMB acd me question that | couldnt answer so hoping you can: Can you confi tha the |U [if there is a difference in these capabilities, why? rae NN or Som LBL WE 0% CLASSFICATION-SEGRE.
Page 51 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
CAVEATS orORN TERNS NONE For I Sent: Frida, June 15, 2018 5:35 AM HEE oe Importance: ih <essage Body Classification: SECAEFNOOMN- Thank you. Message Sody Classification: SECAEFHNOSORN.
CAVEATS orORN TERNS NONE For I Sent: Frida, June 15, 2018 5:35 AM HEE oe Importance: ih <essage Body Classification: SECAEFNOOMN- Thank you. Message Sody Classification: SECAEFHNOSORN.
Page 52 from Attachment 3-2 – 2019-202 Responsive Record
DO — OE (W3N 10S C$ 1500) (XO, (NXE)
DO — OE (W3N 10S C$ 1500) (XO, (NXE)